Professor/Associate Professor in Computer Science & Engineering PG/PhD in Computer Science & Engineering/ AIML/Datascience/cybersecurity information technology related to emerging IT fields with relevant experience.
Assistant Professor in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science, Computer Applications (MSc/MCA) with relevant experience
Professor/Associate Professor in Computer Science & Engineering - PG/PhD in Computer Science & Engineering/ AIML/Datascience/cybersecurity information technology related to emerging IT fields with relevant experience.
Assistant Professor in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science, Computer Applications (MSc/MCA) with relevant experience.
Online applications are invited from eligible candidates for the post of Project Research Scientist 2 (ICMR) on purely contractual basis in the extramural research project titled "Evaluation of the Nephroprotectiv Activity and Therapeutic Potential of CKD777 in Chronic Kidney Disease." sanctioned to Dr. Reshma S, Associate Professor, YAMCH, Yenepoya (Deemed to be) University, Mangalore, as Principal Investigator under Investigator Initiated Extra Mural Grants of the India Council of Medical Research (ICMR) India.
Qualification: B.Sc Nursing/PB B.Sc Nursing/GNM Nursing
Salary will be as per the norms of the university.
Qualification: 10+2 is the minimum requirement; However, a bachelor's degree in any discipline is preferred. The minimum educational qualification may be waived for candidates with prior experience as hostel wardens, provided they demonstrate exceptional skills in the role
Interested candidates may submit their CV through email to with a copy to along with relevant documents. Last date for receipt of application is 10.01.2025 upto 5.00 pm.
Salary will be as per the norms of the university.
The following posts are to be fillced purcly on a temporary basis for a pcriod of Onc Year (Rencwable
based on the satisfactory performancc of the candidates up to 3ycars) under the rescarch projcct titled
" Implementation Research to Enhance Sereening, Early Diagnosis and Initiation of Treatment
for Oral. Breast and Cervical Cancer in Selected Districts of India"
Study site: Dakshina Kannada District. Karnataka State.
Funding Agency: ICMR, Department of Hcalth Rescarch MOH & FW
Applications are invited for the following posts in Yenepoya Ayurveda Medical COllege & Hospital at Yenepoya (Deemed to be University).
Interested candidates are required to submit their CV through email to with a copy to with relevant details.
Last date for receipt of application is 11.01.2025 Before 5.00 pm.
Eligibility as per NCISM Norms.
Salary will be as per the norms of the university.
The following posts are to be filled purely on a temporary basis for a period of One Year (Renewable based on the satisfactory performance of the candidates up to 3years) under the research project titled " Implementation Research to Enhance Screening, Early Diagnosis and Initiation of Treatment for Oral, Breast and Cervical cancer in Selected Districts of India"
Applications are invited for the following posts at Yenepoya (Deemed to be University).
Applications should be submitted with all supporting documents about eligibility and experience to
Applications are invited for the following posts at Yenepoya (Deemed to be University).
Interested candidates are required to submit their CV through email to with a copy to with relevant details.
Last date for receipt of application is 12.10.2024 upto 5.00 pm.
Salary will be as per the norms of the university.
Applications are invited for the following posts at Yenepoya (Deemed to be University).
Eligible candidates are required to submit their CV’s through email to and
Last date for receipt of applications is 28.09.2024 up to 5.00 pm.
Applications are invited for the following posts at Yenepoya (Deemed to be University).
Eligible candidates are required to submit their CV’s through email to and
Salary will be as per the norms of the university.
Last date for receipt of applications is 05.09.2024 up to 5.00 pm.
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates to fill the following post:
Qualification: B.Sc Nursing/PB B.Sc Nursing/GNM Nursing
Interested candidates may submit their CV through email to with a copy to along with relevant documents. Last date for receipt of application is 05.09.2024 upto 5.00 pm.
Salary will be as per the norms of the university.
For the following posts in Faculty of Engineering and Technology at Yenepoya (Deemed to be university)
CV's may be submitted through email to and
Last date for receipt of applications is 20.07.2024
Applications are invited from eligible candidates to fill the following posts in Yenepoya Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital at Yenepoya (Deemed to be University).
Interested candidates are required to submit their CV through email to with a copy to with relevant details. Last date for receipt of application is 15.07.2024 upto 5.00 pm.
Eligibility will as per the NCISM norms.
Salary will be as per the norms of the university.
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates to fill the following post:
Interested candidates may submit their CV through email to with a copy to along with relevant documents. Last date for receipt of application is 15.05.2024 upto 5.00 pm.
Salary will be as per the norms of the university.
Online applications are invited from eligible candidates for the post of Project Research Scientist 1 (ICMR) on purely contractual basis in the extramural research project titled “Evaluation of the Nephroprotective Activity and Therapeutic Potential of CKD777 in Chronic Kidney Disease.” sanctioned to Dr. Reshma S, Associate Professor, YAMCH, Yenepoya (Deemed to be) University, Mangalore, as Principal Investigator under Investigator Initiated Extra Mural Grants of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) India.
Applications in PDF format shall be emailed to with subject: Application for the post of Project Research Scientist
Last date for application is 01/04/2024
Posted: 19-March-2024
Candidates will be screened through an online interview before being invited to the formal interview. Shortlisted Candidates will be informed via email of date and time of interview.
Applications are invited from eligible candidates to fill the Medical officer post at the following center of the University:
Interested candidates are required to submit their CV through email to with a copy to with relevant details.
Last date for receipt of application is 05.04.2024 upto 5.00 pm.
Posted: 22-March-2024
Salary will be as per the norms of the university.
Interested candidates are required to submit their CV through email with a copy relevant details.
Posted: 28-February-2024
Last date for receipt of applications is 09.03.2024 upto 5.00 pm.
Applications in PDF format shall be emailed to with subject: Application for the post of Project Research Scientist
Posted: 26-February-2024
Last date for receipt of applications is 06.03.2024
Eligible candidates are required to submit their CV’s through email to and
Posted: 20-January-2024
Last date for receipt of applications is 30.01.2024 up to 5.00 pm
Posted: 14-September-2023
Posted: 12-September-2023
Applications are invited from eligible candidates to fill the Tutor/Demonstrator, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor posts in the following departments of Yenepoya Medical College at Yenepoya (Deemed to be University).
Posted: 12-September-2023
Lecturer/Assistant Professor – MSc (N) with any speciality with relevant experience
Posted: 12-September-2023
Recruitment of project staff for a project funded by ICMR and the Canadian Institute of Health Research titled "Women Empowerment-Cancer Awareness Nexux (WE-CAN): An implementation research study of Cervical Cancer Prevention through HPV Self-sampling and Education in India"
Posted: 31-May-2023
Recruitment of project staff for a project funded by ICMR and the Canadian Institute of Health Research titled "Women Empowerment-Cancer Awareness Nexux (WE-CAN): An implementation research study of Cervical Cancer Prevention through HPV Self-sampling and Education in India"
Posted: 31-May-2023
Recruitment of project staff for a project funded by ICMR and the Canadian Institute of Health Research titled "Women Empowerment-Cancer Awareness Nexux (WE-CAN): An implementation research study of Cervical Cancer Prevention through HPV Self-sampling and Education in India"
Posted: 31-May-2023
Candidates for the post of Senior Research Fellow in Yenepoya Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital Yenepoya (Deemed to be University). The details of the vacancies may be found in
Posted: 26-May-2023
Faculty for the posts of Junior Nuclear Medicine Physician in Yen Onco Centre at Yenepoya (Deemed to be University). The details of the vacancies may be found in
Posted: 18-April-2023
Applications are invited from eligible candidates to fill the following posts at Yenepoya (Deemed to be University). The details of the vacancies may be found in
Posted: 18-April-2023