
ICT section of Yenepoya deemed to be University manages state-of-the-art ICT infrastructure and business applications, with seamless and secure access that support learning, teaching, research, and administrative functions. The team includes experienced engineers, technicians, software developers, and network and system administrators.

Services Provided
  • System development and solution design services: Development and maintenance of software systems and applications, determining standards and best practices for systems development for the University; promoting adoption of these standards; developing and implementing ICT solutions.
  • Database Services: Managing all database platforms of the University-wide systems, including day-to-day transactions, reporting architecture and management information systems.
  • Acquisition and maintenance of ICT equipment and software: including network and application security services; supporting enterprise infrastructure applications such as directory services and email services.
  • Design, publish and manage various websites associated with the university.
  • Network Services (including Internet and web services): design, operation, and management of campus data, networking and communication services.
  • Advising faculties and departments in ICT-related matters
  • Provides secure data storage within the campus on cloud-based services.
  • Distribution and support for student laptops and Wi-Fi services.
  • ICT Training and Support
  • Provide audio-visuals and video conferencing solutions as and when needed.
ICT Facilities

A gigabit data link connects the National Knowledge Network (NKN) to all academic and non-academic blocks, including the hostels 24X7. The high bandwidth is shared by the staff, faculty, and students to facilitate connecting to national and international research networks, national datasets. Connectivity serves the backbone for collaborative research with external entities, e-learning, video conferencing, and high-speed data access from the network resources.

  • Wireless Internet - Wi-Fi
  • 90% of the campus living area is Wi-Fi enabled. The secure wireless network currently serves about 1,000 users, daily throughout the campus network,including the hostels.

  • Gigabit campus backbone network (LAN)
  • Unified Threat Management (UTM) provides secured network access on the campus. Each campus user has a unique login for online resource access and is controlled through a centralised user database and monitoring services. A server-based endpoint security system manages the network and provides quality service for IT resources

  • E-Learning
  • Information Technology section also manages the E-Learning portal called Yengage (pronounced engage)to all our staff, faculty and students using web-based application. Online forums facilitate student-teacher communication on academics and technologies,discussions,file sub

  • Student Information System (SMS)
  • An RDBMS provides real-time data access to faculty, examination, administration and account sectionsfor the student database. Automated biometric-based attendance capture and notification service of attendance to parents and students via SMS/emails.

  • Document Management System (DMS)
  • Implemented a cloud-based document management system in the University. This software incorporates document and content capture, workflow, document repositories, and information retrieval systems.

  • Hospital management and information system. (HMIS)
  • The ICT section manages and supports hospital management and information system 24X7. HMIS alsoprovides notifications using emails, SMS to the faculty, doctors and the patients on the patient conditionand the proceedings at the hospital, including clinical nvestigations and reporting. Skilled IT service desk providing support for all Campus-widesystems,servers, networking, and software 24X7. The ICT section also provides services to user desktops and laptops,including periodic preventive maintenance.

  • ICT Resources
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